Thursday, April 20, 2006

Robbie Williams Concert

So, what did we think of the Robbie Williams concert? Well, to be honest, I was a little dissapointed. Firstly, getting to the venue required us to park 3 km's from the stadium. After a 20 minute walk, we were confronted with the ticket queue, then the toilet queue and then the queue into the upper stands. Getting in was the easy part though - it must have taken a good hour to get out of the stadium. I thought that the control and organisation around 61,000 people getting in and out of a stadium left a lot to be desired. Nevertheless, we took our seats on the Eastern stand, and watched the stadium fill, to capacity. It really was something, seeing over sixty thousand people gathering in one spot, for one purpose - to relax and enjoy the evening with like minded Robbie Williams fans. Now don't get me wrong, I don't consider myself a true fan, but the boy can definitely entertain. Sure, he's full of himself, arrogant to the bone, and as vain as anyone you'll even come across, but he does have that "entertaining appeal" about him. As far as concerts go though, I would'nt exactly rate it in my top 3. It was more of a "show" than a concert. When I think of a concert, I think of musical talent extraordinaire, of band members trying to outplay each other on their instruments, and moments of solo glory. This concert was all Robbie. His jokes, his stories, his songs and his "sing-ging". The stage and lighting was pretty well done I thought, but again, nothing mind blowing. I remember being more impressed with the lights and stage setup of the U2 concert, and that was some 8 years ago. I guess I expected a little more.

All in all though, it was definitely entertaining, and I'm glad we went. K absolutely loved the show - but I think thats because Robbie probably appealed to her more than he did to me.
I'm still annoyed that we missed the U2 concert in Adelaide - it would have been great to compare the two in the space of 3 weeks.

My money is still on U2 for putting on a better "concert" though :-)

Top 3 to date:
- U2
- Phil Collins
- Cranberries
(then maybe Robbie)

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