Thursday, July 05, 2007

Wimax trial disappointment

I signed up for the MWEB wimax trials a couple of weeks ago, and the guys came around to install today. Seems like I'm not in the right area though, as they could only get a maximum of 2 bars out of ten in signal strength.
Was looking forward to some uncapped bandwidth as part of the trial, but I guess I'll have to make do with my adsl connection for the time being.

Monday, July 02, 2007

MK89 video blog now live

I blogged last night about the imminent launch of the MK89 video blogging network - well, I can tell you now that its live - check it out here.
Its important to stress that its still in Beta - there are some known issues that we're working on (like translations, and styling issues), but by and large its up and working. As of 5 minutes ago, there were 25 profiles loaded - mostly bands, artists and presenters, but you have to start somewhere I guess. The newsletter went out this afternoon, so we'll see what effect that has on spreading the word.
27 and counting...

Sunday, July 01, 2007

iPhone Launch problems

Seems like there are a couple of glitches with activation on the new iPhone keyboards. From Adrian Kingsley-Hughes:
The iPhone keyboard issues seem to be a moot point compared to the activation hassles that early iPhone adopters are facing. A poll over at Engadget suggests that over 38% of the 9,000 respondents to the poll are suffering from activation problems and have an iBrick to show for their cash.
Eh eh - iBrick - gotta love it.

MK89 Video Blog Network Ready To Launch

Its been a slog over the past week getting the new MK89 video blog site ready for launch. Lots of late evenings and work this weekend, but its finally launch ready.

Its quite ironic actually, as the launch of this site was prompted by Uno de Waal in his post, MK89: A social network waiting to happen written on 6th June 2007. The M-Net New Media team felt the same way, and has been hard at work getting the platform together. At its basic level, it incorporates profile creation, with the ability to upload video (in mpeg, avi, 3gp, mov and mgp format) and images, create blog posts, request friendship, become fans of other users, as well as full forum functionality.

Not another Facebook, or MySpace, or Blogger site you're saying. Why create yet another profile? Well, the idea is that this network will allow its users the opportunity of getting their video and profiles on TV. There aren't many other blogging/social network platforms out there that will give its users that opportunity.

Its still early days, and the site is most definitely in Beta status still as we iron out some of the issues that we know exist, and as we get feedback over the next few weeks. Its due to launch this week when it gets a heavy punt in the M-Net newsletter, but here's a sneak preview of what the site looks like.