Monday, July 02, 2007

MK89 video blog now live

I blogged last night about the imminent launch of the MK89 video blogging network - well, I can tell you now that its live - check it out here.
Its important to stress that its still in Beta - there are some known issues that we're working on (like translations, and styling issues), but by and large its up and working. As of 5 minutes ago, there were 25 profiles loaded - mostly bands, artists and presenters, but you have to start somewhere I guess. The newsletter went out this afternoon, so we'll see what effect that has on spreading the word.
27 and counting...


Anonymous said...

Very nice indeed. Who did you use to develope it, or was it all inhouse?

gtc said...

Hi Johann,
Thanks for your comment.
The engine itself is a product that we purchased - however all skinning and enhancements have been done inhouse.


Unknown said...

Interesting, myself and Uno De Waal spoke last night of doing a critique in on it on his blog. Hopefully we will get around to it in the next few weeks. Uno normally focuses on useability and web2.0 and I look for design and programming flaws.

I had a very brief look at it last night and the only issues I could spot off the bat was what seemed to be minor cross browser compatibility issues.

I'll keep you updated!

gtc said...

Hi Johann,
Would be nice to see a write up on Uno's blog. I chatted to him briefly on Sunday night about the site. Would appreciate you guys sending through any issues you pick up along the way, so that we can focus on getting them resolved. You can use the MK89 email address on the "Beta Status" page, or get my email addy direct from Uno.