Monday, August 06, 2007

One down, two to go...

Been a long weekend - launched the Big Brother Africa New Media platform last night, and got home at about 2am. So what exactly is "the New Media platform"? Well there's a website (, there's a social network (, there's a scrolling sms ticker across your screen (Channel 37 on DStv), there's a whole host of networks throughout Africa receiving and sending messages, an IVR line and of course the content management systems that make it all happen.
I didn't do this all myself of course, but behind every project, there's a wee bit of project management and planning needed to make it come together - that's where I fit in.

So yes, BBAII is down (or up, depending on how you see it), with Idols and Survivor to go. And then a holiday :-)


eishman said...

Jeez, you are going to need a serious holiday after all that. Hope it all goes smoothly.

gtc said...

Thanks Eish.