Saturday, October 07, 2006

Leaping into uncertainty...

Its been a big week it has. For a while now, I have been contemplating a change in job. I've been with my current employer for the past 4 years, and its been an amazing ride for me. I've been part of some of the biggest web projects in the country, and have worked my way up from being part of one of the teams, to taking overall responsibility for all the web development teams. I've learnt to deal with a vast array of characters, and have gained some great management experience. I've been part of something that has given me hours of joy and a great sense of achievement.

But, I've reached the point now where there is not enough joy and sense of achievement. There is less passion for what I do than before. And that just doesn't sit well with me.

So, I took the leap (some would say 'brave'...others 'irresponsible' - it all depends on your outlook I guess) into the world of uncertainty this week. But that's the weird thing - I'm certain that I'm not wild about my job at the moment. I'm certain that I can find that passion again. I'm certain that I am mature and responsible enough to make good in whatever I do. I'm certain that between K and I, we're smart enough to put some changes in place that will result in us moving forward, and not backwards.

In terms of plans - I've been in discussions with my employer for the past 2 months about my move. I'll have things wrapped up by end October. After that - I start work on putting the plan together. It'll involve lots of thinking, and lots of golf for a couple of months at least.

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