Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Current favourite music...

So whilst we were in Perth, waiting to board the plane back to SA, I bought my first Jack Johnson album (In Between Dreams). I had noticed it in all the stores in Aus, and thought "what the hell - lets give it a go". I only managed to listen to it a day of two after landing back in SA, and I must say, I was impressed. So much so in fact, that I put it in my car that week, and its still in there at the moment.

For those of you that don't know, Jack is a Hawaii born singer/songwriter - and surfer. He's obviously been playing the guitar for a long time now - as the sounds are very acoustic, quite different in terms of style, and deeply relaxing.

That said, I thought I'd go and find another Jack Johnson album this past weekend, and sure enough, he's on the music shelves here too. I bought his debut album (Brushfire Fairytales) and have been listening to that in the car for the past couple of days - really chuffed with the purchase.

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