Saturday, April 01, 2006

Home again...

K and I arrived home about 2 hours ago...dreading the pace that we're going to have to get used to again from Monday. At least we have the whole of tomorrow to recover, and prepare mentally :-)

We met up with Ang, Greg and Ann on our last day in Perth. Went to a cafe called "Soda", which is on the coastal road, about 5 km's from where Ang and Greg are currently staying, and had a good breakfast there. The rest of the day was spent relaxing, before all going out for a final supper in Northbridge. I got to finally sample the chilli mussels that Perthians are so crazy about. You see them on every menu, in virtually every restaurant in town - and for good reason. They serve a whole plateful (I'm talking no less than 30) of shelled mussels in a chilli, garlic, tomato based sauce - delicious. It was a good evening out - and a nice finish to our last 2 weeks of absolute relaxation.

They say its good to get home, and I usually feel that way, but I have to be honest and say that I'll definitely miss the lazy days in Perth over the next few weeks, as we get back into the swing of things.

Currently reading : Down Under, by Bill Bryson. Bought the book in Adelaide, and have been getting the odd couple of pages in during the past week. Managed to make quite a dent in it during the flight back today. Its really interesting, as its not only a travel diary, but also contains quite a bit of history, and some facts on Australia (like, did you know that of the 10 dealiest animals/insects/reptiles in the world, Australia has 9 of them) - although it needs to pick up a bit of pace now.

To do tomorrow: Take the mongoose out, blow the dust off the handlebars, and put some mileage on it.

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